A1 in vivo NMR

Prof.dr. Rick Dijkhuizen

Prof.dr. Rick Dijkhuizen
Phone: 030 – 253 5569
E-mail: r.m.dijkhuizen@umcutrecht.nl

to be announced

Will follow when new date is set.

to be announced

The course aims to introduce PhD candidates, post-docs, and other scientists in the principles of modern in vivo NMR imaging (MRI) and spectroscopy (MRS) as applied to living systems in biomedical and biological research. The course will consist of lectures by experts in the field, as well as theoretical and practical exercises and demonstrations.

The course is supported by the Benelux Chapter of the International Society for Magnetic Resonance in Medicine.

Course content
Topics will include fundamentals of NMR imaging and spectroscopy, contrast mechanisms, pulse sequences, k-space, diffusion and perfusion, ultra-high field, MR spectroscopy, hardware and RF coils, fMRI, vascular MRI cardiac RI, interventional MRI, mulitparametric MRI in clincal proctice, NMR studies of plants.

See the flyer for more information about registration and costs.