G8 Programming for Medical Imaging

Dr K.L. Vincken (Koen)

Dr K.L. Vincken (Koen) (k.vincken@umcutrecht.nl)

Dr ir Koen Vincken

September – November; for the schedule please check the website of the Master’s programme Medical Imaging
Register by sending an e-mail to ImagO
Please note: this course will be partly taught online in MS Teams. To access the Teams account you need a solis id. If you do not yet have one, apply for one on time.

University Medical Center Utrecht

Course content
In the area of medical imaging, it is necessary to create computer programmes to process and analyse image data. This course deals with both the theoretical knowledge and practical skills of working with (large) image datasets.
Participants will learn how to write source code and create a computer programme to process medical images efficiently. This includes debugging and problem solving.
The course includes algorithms and data structures used in medical image analysis. Modern programming techniques are used, paying attention to efficient computer instructions and memory usage.

Upon completion of the course the participant:

  1. is able teo create a computer programme using C++ and ITK
  2. can debug source code and fix issues
  3. understands how source code affects computer execution and memory
  4. has knowledge on algorithms and data structures for medical image processing

You will be awarded 3 EC for attendance and completing the assignments; a further 2 EC can be earned on passing the final exam.

MANDATORY, book will be actively used throuhgout the entire course: Programming Principles and Practice Using C++, Bjarne Stroustrup, ISBN: 9780321992789
Microsoft Visual Studio (free community edition)
ITK Software Guide (Pdf file)