A4 Advanced MR Physics 1

Dr ir L.W. Bartels (Wilbert)

Dr ir L.W. Bartels (Wilbert) (W.Bartels@umcutrecht.nl)

Dr ir Wilbert Bartels
Dr Clemens Bos

Every Thursday from mid November – February; for the schedule please check the website of the Master’s programme Medical Imaging
Register by sending an e-mail to r.allebrandi@umcutrecht.nl. Please note: this course will make use of a Teams class for course information etc., the Q&A lectures and practical sessions are all onsite. To access the Teams account you need a solis id. If you do not yet have one, apply for one on time.

University Medical Center Utrecht

Course content
This advanced MRI course, covers the physical principles of MRI and sequence design issues.
Topics that will be covered are:

  • The classical NMR model: nucleus in a magnetic field
  • Rotating reference frame & resonance
  • Bloch equations
  • Signal detection concepts
  • Signal acquisition: FID and echo techniques
  • Multi-dimensional Fourier imaging and k-space
  • Fourier image reconstruction
  • Signal, contrast and noise
  • Basic sequence design

For the lectures (morning sessions) attendance is highly recommended; the tutorial sessions in the afternoon are mandatory: participants have to prepare and present assignments.

Upon completion of the course the participant:

  1. understands the physical origin of the NMR signal
  2. can mathematically describe the methods used for spatial encoding of the NMR signal, for signal detection and for subsequent image reconstruction
  3. understands and can mathematically describe the methods for creating various types of signal weighting in MRI
  4. can mathematically derive optimal parameter settings for specific MRI applications given certain prerequisites in terms of signal-to-noise-ratio, contrasts, scan duration, etc.
  5. knows the basic concepts of pulse sequence design, both for MRI and for MR angiography techniques

You will be awarded 5 EC on passing the exam. The exam is “open book” which means you are allowed to bring all course material (books, notes, handouts) to the exam. E-readers and/or tablets or other electronic devices are not allowed.

Excerpts from the book “Magnetic resonance Imaging: Physical principles and sequence design” by E.M. Haacke, R.W. Brown, Y-C.N. Cheng, M.R. Thompson, R. Venkatesan, John Wiley & Sons, New York, 2014 (ISBN: 978-0-471-72085-0;ISBN-10: 1451118104), and handouts provided by the lecturers.